Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Week 3 Readings

The Wikipedia article on the Mac OS X was mostly over my head.  Linux, Unix, Posix...huh?  However, the Aqua GUI sounds really cool.  I've never had a Mac.  I'm a Windows user here, mostly because they're cheaper.  I'd be interested to hear from devoted Mac users about why the Mac is so awesome.

The beginning of the "What is Mac OS X?" article was also mostly over my head, other than the introductory history about Steve Jobs.  I think I'd actually have to see the Mac OS X System Startup in person, rather than read about the steps.  I just can't visualize it well enough for it to sink in, especially since I'm not a Mac owner.  I did like the section on "Why Mac OS X?" though.  I thought the author did a good job of explaining things about Windows v. Mac, with pros and cons to both.

I was able to understand the "Update on the Windows Roadmap" a little better, thanks to having only used Windows to this point.  I wasn't a big fan of Vista, so it was interesting to hear Microsoft crow about how great it was.  I especially enjoyed reading the feedback at the end.  Who knew people were so passionate about this topic?


  1. Tim,
    As you said, the reading was often over my head, too, but I do think it's a good reference to have in case I ever DO really need to grasp the differences in these operating systems. I think I'd understand better by actually seeing the different operating systems in use. I have a Mac, and I will be glad to show you a bit about it. As for Linux, I don't know anyone who uses that. Perhaps we'll see more in class on Monday....

  2. Hi Tim and Michelle,

    I'm glad to see that the readings went over other people's heads as well. Even the Wikipedia article, though easier to understand that the others, was still difficult for me to understand at times. Then I went and read Ch. 8 of the Discovering Computers 2011 book, and that put things in better perspective for me. I'm beginning to understand things a little better. I think that by the end of the term we'll all have a much better understanding of computers and operating systems. At least I hope so!
    Mary Pat
